Kitchens & Bathrooms

Kitchen, Bathroom & Laundry Flooring in Bundaberg

Rejuvenate Your Home

Epoxy flooring is becoming increasingly popular due to its durability and capability to protect and preserve all areas of your home. Steve’s Seamless Flooring products are long-lasting so there is no regular up-keep required.

Full Kitchen Renovations

Flooring and benchtops in your kitchen and dining area always need attention after years of heavy use. Steve and his team are the local experts, providing professional advice and services for rejuvenating your floors, benchtops, splashbacks or any other major surface areas in your kitchen. Flooring can age quite dramatically and we can offer a phenomenal 2-pack coating system that is beautiful and long-lasting at the same time.

Bathrooms and Shower Recesses

A new or updated bathroom in a home is a necessity as we spend most of our time in and out of there, so safety, functionality and aesthetics is important. Your bathrooms will look amazing and promote safety with our two-pack bathroom flooring products as we offer durable and slip-resistant coating systems.

Improve Your Laundry Flooring

When your laundry flooring starts to show wear and tear, impacting it’s function and safety, it’s time to give it a refresh. You don’t have to shell out a fortune to replace the floors as we have the experience and skills to install new affordable epoxy flooring in your laundry without tearing it down to minimum foundations.

Our Service Areas

We service the whole of Bundaberg and surrounds and the Gladstone area.

Are your kitchen, bathroom or laundry tiles looking a little worn? Contact our friendly team today.

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